The Religious Black Cock

A salacious fuck with my naughty priest.

Alloyce Lugoma
5 min readMay 13, 2021
Photo by Ferdinand Studio on Unsplash

When I see him in his white rob every Sunday on the altar, I believe that he cannot go against what he preaches (He is a man of God). I go for marriage counselling from him, yet he is not married, but I believe that he will solve my marriage difficulties.

“Fr. Augustine, my home is not a home anymore …”

“Talk to me, Justin. What is the matter? How can I help?”

“I don’t know if you will understand. My wife, she has started changing.”

“Isn’t change a good thing?”

“Not the way she has changed. It’s as if she is staying away from me. We don’t even embrace each other let alone kiss each other. While in bed, she dresses in sweat pants plus a t-shirt to cover her body restricting my access. She even sleeps away from me. We don’t even have intercourse like we used to. We are at our sexual peak for God’s sake. I am 29 and she is 26.”

“Have you changed over your marriage period so far? How are you doing in your place of work? Are you providing as you should be?”

“Yes, father. Everything is fine, in fact, I love her more but she has blocked me from accessing her life.”



Alloyce Lugoma

I spin tales that sizzle & spark your imagination. Whether it's a captivating article, a heartfelt poem or a story that grips you tight igniting your desires.